




  • Çetin, G., Göktürk, M. Out of Box Experience Issues of Free and Open Source Software, Springer Lecture Notes In Computer Science, July 2007
  • Göktürk, M., Inceoğlu N.E.,Real Time Sensory Substitution For The Blind, HCI International, Peking China July 2007
  • Çetin, G., Göktürk, M. Usability in open source community. ACM Interactions volume 14 issue 6, pp. 38-40, 2007
  • Çetin, G., Verzulli, D., Frings, S. An analysis of involvement of HCI experts in distributed software development: Practical issues. Online Communities and Social Comput., HCII 2007, LNCS 4564, pp. 32–40, 2007
  • Göktürk, M., İnceoğlu, N. E. , Poster:Real Time Sensory Substitution for the Blind, HCI International 2007


  • Altundağ, S. Göktürk, M., A Practical Approach To Scatternet FormationAnd Routing On Bluetooth , IEEE 7th International Symposium On Computer Networks, Istanbul 2006.


  • Mut, O., Göktürk, M., "Improved Weighted Matching for Speaker Recognition", World enformatika Conference, Istanbul, April 27-29, 2005, pp229-231.


  • İ. Köse, Natalia Shvets, “Molecular Modeling in the ETOSAR Software”, International Modeling & Stability Conference, Editors: İlker KÖSE, Natalia Shvets, May 27-30 2003, Kiev



  • A. C. Dirican, M. Goktur, "Dikkatli Arayüzler", Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, Haziran 2008


  • Coşkun, A., Göktürk, M.,Türkçe Otomatik Dudak Okuma Sistemi, Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu Mayıs 2006, Istanbul.


  • İ.Soğukpınar, E.Sevilgen,M.Göktürk,İ.Tahralı,M.Coşkun, "An Interface Architecture for Simulation Integration Using HLA", International Conference on Informatics (ICI-2004) , September 01-04, 2004, Çesme, Izmir


  • Kaya, Y., Göktürk, M., Market Sepetindeki Ürünlerin İlişki Algoritması, 20. Bilişim Kurultayı, İstanbul Eylül, 2003
  • Başgöze A., Göktürk, M. Building Customer Profiles Using Data Mining Techniques”, TAINN 2003., Çanakkale, Temmuz , 2003
  • Köse, N. Shvets, İ. Soğukpınar, “A Problem-Oriented Database as a Tool for the Data on the Structure-Activity Relationships Accumulation, Integration and Exchange”, 12th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks July 02-04, 2003, Çanakkale Turkey.


  • Akbaba, O., Göktürk, M. "Link ve İçerik Analizi ile Web Sayfalarının Otomatik Olarak Sınıflandırılması", Bilişim Kurultayı, Eylül 2002

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